You are here: Modules > Publishing a Project > Generating Output from a Target

Generating Output from a Target

Once you have finished a MadCap Flare project, you can build it. Building a project generates a number of files which you can publish online with an FTP client such as WinSCP or Filezilla. If you want to publish the project online directly from MadCap Flare, see "Creating a Destination" and “Publishing a Project to the Web.”

  1. Open the target you want to publish in the Targets folder in the Project Organizer. The Target Editor appears.
  2. Select the General tab on the left side of the Target Editor.
  3. Click the ellipsis next to the “Output Folder” drop-down menu. The Browse For Folder window appears.
  4. Select the location in which you want to save the project output.
  5. Click Build at the top of the Target Editor. The Builds window appears and light green Build Progress and Compile Progress bars appear.
  6. Double-click the project in the Builds window when the Build Progress and Compile Progress bars become dark green to view the project you just built in a browser.
  7. Click View Output at the top of the Builds window or open the location you chose as the Output Folder to view the files you just built.